
Visit Sibiu Romania: top 10 attractions (+ bonus)

Sibiu is not just any town in Romania.
I remember I first visited Sibiu many years ago and I liked it. It lived up to its reputation. But in 2021 when I revisited it, it looked absolutely blossoming, like a friend you haven’t met in a while and the time apart only highlighted their natural beauty.

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Best 2-Day Itinerary for Maramureș region (with map)

It was not at all easy for the stars to align, but somehow we succeeded, because after two failed attempts, we arrived in Maramureș, a top region unanimously recognized as one of the best places to visit in Romania. I propose here the 2-day itinerary in Maramures we covered, but also our gastronomic experiences.

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Is Timisoara 2023 worth visiting?

Chances are you’ve never heard of Timisoara, Romania. And I can’t blame you. But now, when Timisoara 2023 is shining its light, it would be a pity not to visit and be part of the events that take this western Romanian city out of anonymity!

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Roaming in Cluj, the heart of Transylvania

Last week of summer vacation, I had the bright idea of taking my kids some place to relax before the whirl of the schoolyear. So, I considered Cluj Romania might be a good option, as it has a lot to offer and there are plenty of amazing places just few km away.

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Top 20 attractions in Timisoara – Multiculturalism in Romania

Future capital of culture in 2023, Timişoara has it all: major city in the country, lots of beautiful buildings and squares packed with cafés, vibrant nightlife, delicious and fancy food, good and cheap beer, English-speaking people plus friendly locals, many parks, good accommodation places, and last but not least, the city that started the anti-communist revolution against dictator Ceausescu.

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Darvas–La Roche House, the first Art Nouveau Museum in Romania

For a start, I will give you the facts: I was roaming in Oradea with my teenage daughters, when a dark cloud suddenly decided to take it out on us… you know how teenagers are…. hard to please… but I needed to do something, and that had to be done quick. Given that we were in the very vicinity of Darvas-La Roche House and it was raining cats and dogs, I dragged them inside with a trembling heart.

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Hi! I’m Andrea! Welcome to travel taste feel, the place where travelling beautiful Romania meets authentic taste and reveals true hospitality!
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