As a child, traveling was very limited in a communist country. As an adult, traveling broke new grounds and broadened perspectives.
My Eastern European background taught me to live well, but humble. I love exploring as much as possible (and in depth), but for me, it is important to keep a balance between cost and expenses. That is, to travel smart.
I was a very artistic child; loved drawing and learning about art. I remember watching mesmerized pages of art books, trying then to reproduce a portrait or a painting. I pursued a more rational career, but my artistic DNA is still there: I am in love with art and buildings.
Last but not least, I try to provide professional and unbiased travel content. My TTF Talks column and posts stand as testimony. Also, my blog posts are independent and describe reality as I see it. And I double-check for facts.
About me
Hi! I’m Andrea! Welcome to travel taste feel, the place where travelling beautiful Romania meets authentic taste and reveals true hospitality!
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